About Bagholder Academy


I’m Petrica Mercorea, the founder of Bagholder Academy.

With over 4 years of expertise in the stock market and a thriving Fiverr Business, I’ve had the privilege of assisting over 70 clients from more than 20 countries. The consistent 5-star ratings for satisfaction speak volumes about the value I strive to deliver.

While some of my clients were seasoned professionals, the majority were individuals who found themselves struggling with underperforming investments. It was from this experience that the seed of Bagholder Academy was planted.

The concept behind Bagholder Academy is to extend my insights and assistance to those who have been bruised by poor investment decisions and are hesitant to re-enter the market. Through engaging articles, I aim to provide practical guidance and cutting-edge lessons that not only enhance your investing acumen but also reignite your confidence in navigating the financial landscape.

But here’s the twist – learning with Bagholder Academy isn’t your typical mundane endeavor. No lengthy, dry articles with a hedge fund tone here. Instead, I infuse humor and satire into my content because I believe that learning should be enjoyable.

So, without further ado, sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey. And remember, whether you want to connect via social media, blog’s contact form, or through Fiverr, I’m here to assist you every step of the way.

Warm regards,
Petrica Mercorea
Bagholder Academy